UK To Rename City Of Birmingham To ‘Birminglamb’ To Be More Culturally Sensitive
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND-- As the immigrant population continues to grow in the United…
FBI Starts Monitoring Christians To Make Sure No One’s Reading The New Testament
U.S.-- As part of the Antisemitism Awareness Act passed by a bipartisan…
The Daily Wire Hires Satan To Replace Candace Owens
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE-- After firing commentator Candace Owens during a very public dispute…
‘They’re Ruthless,’ Says Ben Shapiro After Hamas Shares AI-Generated Photo Of Him Eating Bacon
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE-- In response to an AI-generated photo shared by Ben Shapiro…
ADL Places Seagull On Anti-Semite List For Pooping On Jewish Man’s Shoulder
NEW YORK, NEW YORK-- The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has placed a seagull…
Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Making It Illegal To Criticize Movie ‘The Hebrew Hammer’
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL-- In an effort to continue his quest to combat dangerous…
NBA Apologizes For Kyrie Irving Controversy By Hiring More Jewish Basketball Players
NEW YORK, NEW YORK-- Due to the backlash caused by Brooklyn Nets…
Not Me! Seth Rogen Tells Frustrated Wife White Supremacists Keep Leaving Their Bathroom Toilet Seat Up
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-- Hollywood actor Seth Rogen has been in hot water…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims She’s Part Asian Because She Once Ate At Chinese Restaurant
QUEENS, NEW YORK-- Popular Democratic politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has revealed that…
Obama Gives Biden An Obama Phone For His Bris
WASHINGTON-- At a celebratory meal following his bris, Vice President Joe Biden received a…
Benjamin Netanyahu Converts To Islam, Promotes Peace
TEL AVIV, ISRAEL-- In a last-ditch effort to promote peace in the…
Israel Builds Holocaust Museum For Holocaust Museum
TEL AVIV, ISRAEL-- At a meeting inside of the holocaust museum Yad…