Public Health Alert: Americans Should Wear Blindfold And Earplugs If Watching Mainstream News
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK-- Health officials have issued a public health…
Loser Man Creates Facebook Account To Find Friends Only To Realize He Doesn’t Have Any
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA-- Facebook is one of the largest social networking sites in…
Violated Dog To Press Charges After Michael Bloomberg Grabs Her By The Snout
BURLINGTON, VERMONT-- A female dog that had its nose grabbed forcefully by…
Annoying Tree Bark Keeps Neighbors Up At Night
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON-- A small neighborhood in Seattle is being terrorized by a…
CNN Apologizes And Submits Retraction For Accidentally Reporting Real News
ATLANTA, GEORGIA-- Mainstream news media outlet CNN has recently released a live…
Joe Biden’s Angry Response To Ukraine Controversy: ‘Who’s Hunter?’
WASHINGTON-- At a recent rally in Iowa, Joe Biden scolded Fox News…
Beto O’Rourke’s Plan To Send All American’s Guns To The Moon Met With Confusion
WASHINGTON-- Former Rep. Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke has recently increased his stance…
Obama Spotted At Cincinnati Trump Rally Wearing MAGA Hat
CINCINNATI, OHIO-- Is former president Barack Obama secretly a President Donald Trump…
Joe Biden Vows To ‘Knock People Out’ In Second Democrat 2020 Debate
WASHINGTON-- "Sleepy" Joe Biden says that he promises to give voters a…
‘It’s Common Knowledge’, Says Woman Who Knows Everything
DENVER, COLORADO-- A local Denver woman who knows all there is to…
This Is Huge! Donald Trump Promises On Twitter That He’s Got Huge News
WASHINGTON-- Always one to do things in the most enormous way, President…
Donald Trump Likeness Makes Appearance In New Mars Images
WASHINGTON-- It appears as though President Donald Trump is boldly going where…