SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA– In protest of her newfound hatred for Elon Musk, a radical leftist woman with a Neuralink implant has recently placed an “I Got This Implant Before Elon Musk Went Crazy” sticker on her forehead to let everyone know that she regrets her decision.
The woman has joined many other former Elon Musk supporters who started putting “I Bought This Tesla Before Elon Went Crazy” stickers on their electric vehicles in angry protest of the CEO’s political stance.
“I hate Elon now and regret getting this stupid Neuralink implant,” said the angry woman as she convulsed from rage. “If I knew Elon was going to go crazy I never would’ve agreed to get this stupid brain chip. Who cares if I can walk now after being in a wheelchair for two decades. Elon’s a fascist, Trump-loving dictator and this chip was made by a Nazi.”
After drawing a swastika on her face in objection to the Neuralink chip, the irate woman then proceeded to set her head on fire in what CNN later explained was a fiery but most peaceful protest of the South African-born billionaire.
At publishing time, the woman decided to spite Elon even further by having the Neuralink implant removed from her head so that she could go back to living in a wheelchair.
“That’ll teach Elon a lesson,” she said assuredly.