WASHINGTON– Former President Barack Obama was in tears this week after his former vice president Joe Biden was awarded the title of America’s Worst President, stealing the honor from the man who had held it for almost 14 years.
Obama voiced his sadness and disappointment on Twitter X this morning once the Atrocious President’s Committee gave the esteemed accolade to Biden after not even finishing his first term in office, gaining the honorable title quicker than any other president in U.S. history.
“I was on the verge of tears after finding out Joe had won the honor of becoming America’s worst president,” Obama posted on Twitter X out of pathetic desperation to regain his dignity as a terrible president. “I assumed Joe would’ve been a terrific and competent leader, but apparently I underestimated Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

Biden officially earned the admirable designation due to successfully causing more job losses, deaths, and economic destruction in a shorter period of time than any other president in recent history.
“I only endorsed Joe because I thought he was going to be a great president and not destroy my legacy of failures,” Obama said in a series of remorseful posts. “I touted Joe as the second coming of Christ and told Michelle not to worry about him doing a worse job than we did in the White House.”
When asked for a comment about taking the illustrious title away from his former boss, Biden said he was proud to serve as Canada’s Prime Minister and that Barack Obama was his favorite Asian American football player.