ANGLE INLET, MINNESOTA– A small, secluded town’s policeman is making the news this week after arresting what he deemed to be a lawbreaking, unruly squirrel, drawing both praise and criticism from people across the country.
Angle Inlet police department officer Harry Callahan stopped a suspicious squirrel that was crossing a desolate street against a traffic light and also not in a designated crosswalk. The officer claims that when he approached the rodent to write him a citation for jaywalking, the squirrel started running away and tried hiding up a pine tree.
That’s when the 22 year police veteran drew his firearm and began yelling at the squirrel to come down from the tree and put his paws up. Realizing that the squirrel may be armed, the gruff officer called in for backup and waited until other officers arrived before climbing up the tree to repeatedly taze and mace the rodent in an effort to get him down safely.
With the small, quiet city of Angle Inlet having a population of only about 60 people, Officer Callahan says that’s even more reason to make certain that all citizens, humans as well as animals, uphold the law.

Callahan has received numerous meritorious service awards over the years for putting his life on the line while on duty. Last year he was given the Officer of the Year award after arresting five cats who ran the largest catnip drug smuggling ring in the United States.
After running the squirrel’s identification it was found that the rodent had warrants out for his arrest in two counties, including charges of drug and weapons possession, arson, rape, sodomy, public urination, murder, vehicular homicide, impersonating a police officer, and theft of property.
Authorities booked the squirrel into the Angle Inlet Animal Security Detention Center at 1:39 pm on preliminary charges of jaywalking, resisting arrest, and evading.
The squirrel may also have to pay for the medical bills of the responding officers who were forced to beat the wanted squirrel with clubs for ten minutes until he finally stopped resisting arrest.
Numerous people took to Twitter to praise the brave officer for getting another criminal off the streets, while some detractors believe that the officer only targeted the squirrel because of his species.
According to CNN news, the squirrel has already obtained high-profile attorney Alan Dershowitz and the lawyer is claiming that his client may have been species-profiled by the arresting officers. He also stated that the squirrel didn’t respond to officer’s orders because he doesn’t speak English.