ALBERTA, CANADA– One of YouTube’s most beloved stars has figured out a way to predict the weather with a simple calculator and the wacky guy with the pink hair says that you can do it too.
Reetu Yar Reetu, the 22 year old YouTube sensation whose latest video has already garnered over 20 million views, says the trick to predicting the weather with a calculator is all in the weather itself.
“I first warm up the calculator by turning it on and off a hundred times,” said the quirky Reetu at the start of his latest video. “Then I place it in a hermetically sealed container where the outside elements won’t taint it.”

That’s when, says Reetu, the calculator does its magic.
“Now the calculator’s ready for outside exposure,” he says on the video as he places the calculator on the front steps of his home somewhere in the woods of Alberta, Canada. “Once you go back inside your house and turn on the weather channel, the calculator will predict the weather correctly almost one hundred percent of the time.”
Reetu claims that the only times his calculator was ever wrong when predicting the weather was when his local news station gave out an incorrect forecast, such as the time when newscasters claimed that it was going to be a sunny, warm day and it ended up being a snowstorm.