WASHINGTON– Never in the history of the United States has a sitting president ever involved the public in his personal life more than the transparent man himself, President Obama. Throughout history, presidents have been known, liked or disliked by their personal interests, such as Lincoln with his collection of detachable beards, Clinton with his Rolodex of phone numbers, and now Obama with his infamous collection of over 5,000 pairs of shoes.

The president invited MTV studios into the White House for an upcoming episode of MTV Shoes and gave them a tour of his own personal 8,000 square foot closet, filled from top to bottom with his eclectic shoe collection.
“Welcome to my crib, boys,” President Obama said as secret service led the MTV film crew into Obama’s bedroom.

According to First Lady Michelle, Obama spends a great deal of his spare time in his shoe closet, arranging them in order by color, style, and where he was at the time when he first wore them.
“That’s the largest shoe section over there,” said Michelle, pointing toward the vacation shoe section.

“These are the Holy Grail of shoes,” Obama chuckled as he let each member of the MTV film crew try on a pair of his flip-flops. “If you boys like these flip-flops you’ll be happy to know that myflip-flop collection will be hitting retail shelves by around summer.”
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