Tag: Russia

Democrats Play Trump’s Speeches Backwards, Find Hidden Russian Messages

WASHINGTON-- Damning new evidence against Donald Trump has recently been brought forth…

Daily Soak Staff

Democrats Under Investigation For Alleged Ties To The United States

WASHINGTON-- An explosive new controversy has been brewing lately involving the Democrat…

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James Comey Says He’s Completely Innocent After Thoroughly Investigating Himself

WASHINGTON-- Former FBI director James Comey has recently released a full report…

Daily Soak Staff

Tie-Gate: CNN Devotes Three Hour Show To Investigate Trump’s Crooked Tie Connection

ATLANTA, GEORGIA-- A major controversy regarding Donald Trump and his crooked tie…

Daily Soak Staff

Hillary Clinton Hires Paranormal Investigators To Rid Her House Of Russian Assets

CHAPPAQUA, NEW YORK-- Trick-or-treaters won't be the only people haunting Hillary Clinton's…

Daily Soak Staff

Top 4 Gifts To Get Every Deadbeat Dad This Father’s Day

ATLANTA, GEORGIA-- Father's Day is here once again and millions of children…

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Mueller Report Finds No Evidence Trump Campaign Barbecued With Russia

WASHINGTON-- Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of a barbecue between…

Daily Soak Staff

After World Cup Loss, Croatia Cries Fowl

RUSSIA-- While France was busy celebrating their second World Cup title, the…

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CNN Most Trusted News Network, According To New CNN Poll

ATLANTA, GEORGIA-- In a brand-spanking new poll just released by America's favorite…

Daily Soak Staff

It’s Official: The Russians Sunk The Titanic, Says Washington

WASHINGTON-- U.S. officials have recently confirmed that they have new evidence that…

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Massive Earthquake In Russia Kills People’s Mood

SAROV, RUSSIA-- The catastrophic earthquake that hit the large farming town of…

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