CNN Report: Trump Meddles In Election Process By Intending To Run Second Term
WASHINGTON-- Shocking new evidence uncovered by CNN investigators has recently revealed that…
Joe Biden Promises He’ll Appoint Corn Pop To Supreme Court If He’s Elected Prime Minister Of Canada
WASHINGTON-- Former Vice President Joe Biden has been on fire lately, pledging…
Obama Demands TV Stations Stop Airing Despicable Ad Claiming Biden Was His Vice President
WASHINGTON-- Former President Barack Obama demanded South Carolina news stations and a…
Mike Bloomberg Runs Ads On Stage In His Place After Taking Beating At Last Democratic Debate
CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA-- Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave a…
Violated Dog To Press Charges After Michael Bloomberg Grabs Her By The Snout
BURLINGTON, VERMONT-- A female dog that had its nose grabbed forcefully by…
Trump Plays 4D Chess On Leftists, Saying He’s Now Running As A Democrat
WASHINGTON-- In a shocking turn of events, Republican President Donald Trump is…
CNN’s Don Lemon Calls Police After Seeing Black Man In Bathroom Mirror
SAG HARBOR, NEW YORK-- Former CNN host Don Lemon called 911 late…
Miserable Bill Clinton Begs America To Please Elect Unemployed Hillary To Something, Anything
WASHINGTON-- Bill Clinton has recently launched a countrywide political tour in the…
Corn Dog Joins 2020 Democratic Field For President
WASHINGTON-- American food Corn Dog announced on his Twitter account yesterday that…
Elizabeth Warren Says She Was Bernie Sanders Long Before Bernie Was Bernie Sanders
MONTPELIER, VERMONT-- Sen. Elizabeth Warren was in typical Sanders but not Sanders…
Hillary Clinton Hires Paranormal Investigators To Rid Her House Of Russian Assets
CHAPPAQUA, NEW YORK-- Trick-or-treaters won't be the only people haunting Hillary Clinton's…
Next CNN Democrat Town Hall Will Target Important ‘Finnish Paganist Toad Doctors Who Identify As Oxygen’ Voting Block
ATLANTA, GEORGIA-- Due to the success of the LGBTQ town hall held…