OTTAWA, CANADA– After mulling over a few ideas for a new campaign slogan for their upcoming election, the Liberal Party of Canada finally decided to settle on the apt “Orange Man Bad.”
Members of the Liberal party said that the simple “Orange Man Bad” slogan basically summed up the entire policy platform that the Liberal Party is currently running on, hoping to sway enough Canadians infected with TDS to vote for them.
“Everything that has ever gone wrong in Canada is Trump’s fault,” said newly installed Liberal Prime Minister Mark Carney. “Are you tired of your taxes being so high? That’s Trump’s fault. Did you stub your toe waking up from your homeless encampment because you can’t afford a house? That’s Trump’s fault. Are you still mad after Trump froze your bank accounts or fired you from your job for not taking the COVID shot? Then vote Liberal to stop Trump from ever doing that again.”
The Liberal Party came up with the idea for the “Orange Man Bad” slogan after not having anything of real substance to run on, with the entire campaign being held together by basically just hating a leader from another country rather than focusing on themselves.
The Liberal Party also updated their official policy platform on their website. The top five most important policies are:
- Orange man bad
- Orange man bad
- Orange man bad
- Orange man bad
- Orange man bad