WASHINGTON– Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has been raising a few eyebrows on social media this week after she did a recent interview following her 1,069th major facelift surgery, with many people saying that even though there’s something different about the 189-year-old politician’s face, they can’t figure out what it is.
Pelosi’s interview with the most trusted name in news CNN went viral this week after numerous viewers pointed out that she looked a little different this time. Social media users were scratching their heads trying to decipher exactly what had changed with the Democratic Speaker’s appearance.
“There’s definitely something different about Speaker Pelosi’s face,” wrote one Twitter user, followed by a few confused emojis. “I’m not quite sure what it is, perhaps she’s wearing a different necklace than her usual one or perhaps this is all my imagination and she looks perfectly normal.”

Another Twitter user said that perhaps Pelosi was wearing a different brand of perfume, which would explain her mildly altered appearance.
After internet sleuths failed to crack the puzzle, Pelosi came clean and admitted that she may or may not have had an extremely minor, very miniscule amount of work done to her face.
“A girl never tells all her little secrets,” said Pelosi coyly as she applied mascara to her eyes now located on the sides of her head. “But if you must know, I’m using a lighter blush on my high cheek bones that may give off the appearance that I had almost 1,100 facelifts. The things they can do with makeup these days.”
CNN’s Brian Stelter came to the defense of Pelosi’s unique appearance, saying, “Nancy Pelosi is the most beautiful woman in the world. All the Trump troll haters on social media are just jealous. All the men want to have Pelosi and all the women want to be Pelosi.”