ATLANTA, GEORGIA– CNN’s Don Lemon was fired up Saturday after popular podcaster Joe Rogan called him a “weak, little, girly-man,” prompting the manly news anchor to challenge Rogan to a masculine, one-on-one makeup contest.
“The rules are simple, we apply makeup until there’s only one man left standing,” Lemon said as he batted his eyelashes aggressively. “I’m challenging Joe Rogan to a rugged makeup competition inside the Octagon, any place or any time. That’s if Rogan is man enough to face me.”

Lemon says he’s already been in the gym five times a week training for the possible upcoming makeup battle between himself and former MMA fighter Rogan. He uploaded a video to his Twitter account of himself getting ready for the fight, which showed his trainer drag queen Rupaul advising him on the best way to keep lipstick from coming off whenever kissing your opponent on the cheek.
“This makeup contest will ultimately prove to the world who the real man is,” Lemon continued, curling the heavy Magic Extension Mascara up toward his face. “It’s not easy making sure your eyelashes have volume every single day. Anyone can beat someone up in the UFC ring, but I’d like to see Rogan try to match the right color blush to his skin tone on a daily basis.”
When reached for comment about Lemon’s beauty challenge, Rogan was unable to answer due to the fact that he wasn’t able to restrain his laughter long enough to respond.