U.S.– Due to the growing national trend of crowds chanting “F**k Joe Biden” at sporting events, sports leagues around the country have decided to drop the United States national anthem for the more patriotic pro-Biden slogan.
A unanimous online poll was in favor of replacing the nation’s antiquated anthem with the more powerful, affectionate, uniting “F**k Joe Biden” chant, proving that Americans can come together as a country in reverence for their duly elected leader.

“It was a heartwarming sight to see thousands of proud sports fans cheering on the legitimate president with F bombs,” said Robert Boucher, Jr., marketing director for the NCAA. “From what I hear, even President Biden himself was tickled pink at the thought of so many people chanting that they wanted to have sex with him.”
The new “F Joe Biden” national anthem will become the official anthem in all college stadiums by the end of the month, and there’s already talks of professional sports teams following suit.
“Yeah, everyone’s getting tired of pretending to care about the black national anthem anyway,” said White Goodman, spokesman for the National Dodgeball League. “At least when people are telling Joe Biden to go F himself they actually mean it.”
Let’s go Brandon!
Clap you stupid bastards.
Most popular president of all time gaining more fans.
If you don’t vote for me then you ain’t black.