TALLADEGA, ALABAMA– The garage door pull rope accused of being racist by Bubba Wallace has sued the famous driver and also Nascar for falsely labeling him as a racist, which he claims caused him much personal suffering and distress.
The rope says he was working as a garage door pull cord for Nascar when Wallace reported him for being a violent white racist, prompting Talladega Superspeedway to immediately inform authorities that a far-right, Confederate flag-waving Klan member was employed by their company and committing hate crimes against their only black driver.
Due to all the recent threatening attacks on black people, such as the legitimate Jussie Smollett MAGA hat attack, Nascar personnel took no chances and fired the rope before kicking him off the premises, where police were waiting to beat, mace, tase, and then arrest the bigoted, white supremacist rope pull.

Once the FBI investigated the noose case, it was found that the rope pull was innocent of all charges, with dozens of other rope pulls attached to every other garage door corroborating his story of innocence.
The rope pull, who’s been employed by the speedway ever since October 2019, says his life has been ruined due to the false accusations and he can no longer find work due to the stigma of being labeled as a racist, white nationalist.
“I can no longer feed my family,” the rope pull said during an interview on Fox News. “While Bubba Wallace is being praised for his bravery in spite of him being completely wrong, I’ve lost my job, had my reputation ruined, can’t pay my bills, and now my wife says she’s leaving me for a black rope that lives down the street just to prove she’s not a racist like me.”