SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA– Millionaire Nancy Pelosi is putting her fellow Republican colleagues to shame by using photos of her stocked refrigerators to feed the starving homeless of California.
The charitable Speaker of the House selflessly donated dozens of photos to homeless shelters across the state of herself eating pounds of food at a time and then throwing the unwanted excess into her $1200 trashcan.
Pelosi’s humanitarian aid started after she caught wind of President Donald Trump’s selfish discovery of a meager cure for cancer, possibly putting millions of medical professionals out of a job.
“Mr. Trump should be ashamed of himself,” Pelosi said in a caption of a photo of herself using hundred dollar bills to wipe caviar stains from her face. “I wanted to finally address California’s starving homeless because of Trump’s greedy ploy to get pharmaceutical kickbacks.”

The 79-year-old career politician is being praised by Democrats, Hollywood, and mainstream news media outlets for the courageous, philanthropic way that she has fed millions of hungry California homeless citizens.
“I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have photos of my four expensive, stocked refrigerators to help feed so many people,” Pelosi added, showing a photo of her butler dumping $20 ice cream down the drain because it was too cold.
Pelosi also helped millions of unemployed Americans with financial encouragement by tweeting out a photo of the $3 million she keeps hidden under her mattress in case a tyrannical politician ever decides to shut down the economy for a pandemic.