LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA– Tattoos have become very popular these days and according to statistics 4 out of every 10 adults sports at least one tattoo with 25% of those having more than one body art design. Some individuals go as far as inking almost their entire body.
But what does a tattoo lover do once they run out of skin to get inked? That question has been discussed in tattoo shops and government offices around the country for decades.
Fortunately a trendy Los Angeles tattoo artist has figured out the answer to this burning question by making a groundbreaking achievement.
After getting the last piece of free skin inked on the bottom of her soles, petite tattoo artist Miss Misa Amane, 38, started thinking that her quest for the most tattoos had come to an end.
“I was relieved, but also devastated,” said Miss Misa as she showed CNN reporters photos of last month’s internal tattoo surgery on her heart. “I knew I didn’t have any skin left to get inked, but I still had the desire to go under the needle again.”
Warning: Graphic photo below:

That’s when, says Miss Misa, she came up with the idea of getting her internal organs tattooed.
“I was eating calf liver for dinner one night,” she said, smiling through a completely tattooed face. “I was staring down at that slimy liver on my plate and that’s when a light bulb went off.”
With the rising popularity of internal organ tattoos, many tattoo shops are teaming up with local hospital surgeons to keep up with the demand.
Even though tattooed organs is not necessarily a new thing–the former communist Soviet Union used to tattoo the intestines of their prisoners as a way to torture them–Miss Misa is one of the very first people to voluntarily get their organs tattooed as part of a lifestyle choice.
“I couldn’t be happier,” she said in reference to the new organ tattoos. “I’ve already covered both of my kidneys in ink and my right lung. Just a few weeks ago I got the cutest dolphin tattoo on my heart. I consider it an homage to Flipper the dolphin, who was my favorite character in my favorite movie Star Wars.”
When asked what her plans are once she runs out of space on her organs, Miss Misa said she’s already “got it covered”, pardon the pun.
“There’s plenty of space on the inside of my skin. Sort of like when you reverse your underwear to get another day out of it.”