HOLLYWOOD– The 17 year old animal actor is currently a fan favorite to play the role of Bond, receiving over five million votes in a recent online poll.That’s over three million more votes than runner-up Tom Hardy.
Following a series of cryptic tweets on his Twitter page, it wouldn’t be surprising for Brosnan Moore Connery, who prefers to go by the name Dalton, to be cast in the role.
During an interview back in December of 2016, Dalton was asked if he would ever accept the role of 007 if offered. Although his answer was ambiguous, he definitely made it clear that he would be “highly interested” if the script was right.

Dalton said, “I’d be highly interested if offered a decent script. If producers are able to locate a woman who would be able to withstand me lying on top of her during a love scene and still survive, then sign me up.”
After suffocating a 90 pound actress back in 2011 during an intense love scene, Dalton has refused to do any more intimate scenes until they can get a woman who is able to handle being smothered by an 1100 pound equine.
“I’m a big guy,” Dalton added as he nursed a Black Russian.
Once rumors started circulating that Dalton may be cast as Bond, money has been pouring in from around the world in the hopes that the well-rounded actor would accept the role, even though many critics feel that Dalton is too old to play Bond.
“Dalton still has a young face,” said producer Barry Horowitz. “So it won’t be a stretch of the imagination to show that he can still attract the ladies while saving the world from the evil villain.”
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars