MUMBAI, INDIA– How would you like to never get a common cold again? After ten years of research, a doctor from India has finally discovered how to cure it and also live a healthier life.
Aadarsh Madhupuspa, 67, from Mumbai is the local doctor who made the startling discovery. Madhupuspa got his doctoral degree after watching ten years of the American TV show ER. Indians from around the country flock to the miraculous doctor who can cure people of the common cold.
While searching for a remedy for his pet chicken’s athlete’s feet, Madhupuspa found out that not getting the cold prevents a person from getting the cold.
“The cure is very simple,” Madhupuspa said by way of sign language translator. “Just don’t get sick.”
Those four words have been plastered all across news stations, magazines, and medical journals around the world. The slogan “Just don’t get sick” has even been picked up by a famous sneaker company and Madhupuspa was asked to be the spokesman.

“I refuse to accept any glory,” he added as hundreds of patients stood in line at his office in the hopes of hearing him say the words “Just don’t get sick.” “No one would have ever assumed that the cure for one of the most ubiquitous illnesses was as simple as just not getting sick. I just wish that the cure for my chicken’s athlete’s feet was as simple of a task.”
Now that the common cold has been cured, Mahupuspa wants everyone to know that he plans on tackling other medical afflictions, such as cancer, diabetes, hemorrhoids, and high doctor’s bills.
Update: After this article was written, Madhupuspa reported that even though he cured his pet chicken of the common cold, the bird finally succumbed to its severe athlete’s foot condition.
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