RUST, GERMANY– An extremely shocking thing happened at the world-famous Europa Park in Rust on Thursday. A group of children were riding in one of the attraction’s water rides when something shocking happened, causing the children’s mother to immediately call for help.
The children’s mother, 37 year old Helga Heinz, was standing near the gate of the Der Soak water ride when she snapped a photo with her camera as her children came down the water-slide. That photo would end up being the last one Helga would ever take with that camera.
“My God, I was so upset,” said the sopping wet Helga to German news source Miststück. “I was waiting for my children to come down the water-slide, so I got my camera ready. But as soon as they came down the slide, a huge surge of water splashed up and covered me from head to toe. I was okay, but all that water went into my camera, totally destroying it. I’m never gonna be able to take photos of my children with this camera again.”
Still shaking and soaking wet, Helga showed the damaged camera to Miststück reporters. Miststück‘s cameraman zoomed in on Helga’s wet tank-top shirt to show the seriousness of this shocking event.

“I’m just happy to be alive,” Helga said as a large crowd of men gathered around to watch her towel off. “Maybe next time I’ll be a little more careful and stand back further. Maybe then I won’t embarrass myself by drawing this much attention. Look at all these poor men here who left their wives alone to watch me make a fool of myself.”
Update: After this article was written it was reported that most men in the park offered to buy Helga a new camera as long as she promised to stand near the gate again as the next slide came down.
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
That was definitely a wet ride.
Good to see Helga was ok.
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars