With Thanksgiving Looming, Band Of Rogue Turkeys Killing Farmers
JACKSTONE, PENNSYLVANIA-- Farmers across the United States are being warned by government…
Town Of Killdeer Makes It Illegal To Have Pets Out In Public Without Clothing
KILLDEER, WYOMING-- A controversial law was passed in the town of Killdeer…
New Study Shows That Animals Are Smarter Than Most Humans
GREYBULL, WYOMING-- Researchers at the Mammalian Studies Institute in Greybull recently came…
Canada Outlaws Left Turns On All Roads
OTTAWA, CANADA-- Canadian officials passed a new law on Friday which states that anyone…
Squirrel-Shaped Corn Chip Fetches $10,000 On Ebay
BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI-- A corn chip in the shape of a squirrel recently…
First Squirrel Ever Appointed As Mayor Of Boston
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS-- Boston's first squirrel was appointed as mayor of Boston on…
Squirrel Busted For Indecent Exposure After Video Goes Viral
REDWOOD, NEW JERSEY-- A video that is going viral shows an Eastern grey…
Man Swallows Paint, Defecates Masterpiece Worth $2.1 Million
JONESTOWN, MISSOURI-- Some say that life imitates art. If that's the case…