SAN BRUNO, CALIFORNIA– American video-sharing website YouTube is crying foul after getting their own channel demonetized for apparently not complying with their own YouTube advertising policies.
Yesterday the official YouTube channel posted a video where they went on a rant about the unfair practices of YouTube and how they are silencing themselves due to their political and social views.
The official YouTube channel, which has almost 40,000,000 followers and hundreds of videos, explained that they received a notification from YouTube that their own videos were deemed not advertiser-friendly after a thorough review.
YouTube stated that they were given no explanation as to why their videos were told they violated their own standards and why the channel’s videos were unsuitable for all advertisers and are now running on limited or no ads.
Some of YouTube’s videos that were ruled unsuitable for advertising by YouTube are “Why Did YouTube Demonetize My Video?,” “How To Abide By YouTube’s Policies,” “What Does YouTube Consider Advertiser-Friendly?,” and “Top 5 Ways To Not Get Your Video Demonetized.”
YouTube says that they created their channel 17 years ago in an effort to help the YouTube community, but ever since the “adpocalypse” all of their videos are now demonetized.

“One day I started looking at my videos and I noticed they all had yellow dollar signs on them,” YouTube told a Dailymotion reporter. “That’s when I went through the support system and started asking YouTube why my videos had been demonetized and were no longer getting revenue.”
YouTube went on to say that they spoke to a YouTube representative in a series of emails during an appeals process to have all their videos manually reviewed, but the YouTube representative stated that there was nothing that they could do.
“Sorry, YouTube,” YouTube stated in the snarky email response to themselves. “Guess you should’ve thought about all of that when you were the ones who created these controversial rules in the first place. Live by the sword, die by the sword. This decision cannot be overturned.”
“I asked them if they could at least tell me why they were demonetized,” YouTube went on. “I was only told that I am getting punished because I am guilty of something, but they can’t tell me what it is because that goes against a policy that I created.”
In a statement put out by YouTube regarding YouTube, the organization said all content must comply with our/your Community Guidelines, which means if anyone violates some kind of rule regarding some kind of topic in a certain kind of area, then their videos will not only be demonetized, but can also be deleted permanently.