COPENHAGEN, DENMARK–As the entire world is well aware by now, the Obamas have never been known to do things the same as mere mortals.
While touring in Denmark promoting Michelle’s new book “Becoming Feminine”, the former president and former first lady wowed the crowd in typical Obama fashion by performing miracles with a unique style that hasn’t been seen since the likes of Jesus Christ.
The always loquacious President Obama got the miraculous show started by turning water into tequila and then started walking on eggshells.

Once the breathless audience stopped clapping, Michelle stunned them even further by performing a miracle never before witnessed.
“Make sure you don’t blink,” the former FLOTUS giggled as she changed outfits, going from a pink suit with crystal embellishments to a pastel cropped jacket and high-waisted pants.
Numerous people within the crowd had to be taken out of the building on stretchers after fainting from the heavenly excitement.
“I can’t believe how divine and powerful the Obamas are,” said one of the audience members as the former president tried resurrecting his career. “It’s like they’re not even human.”
Indeed, they definitely seem like they’re from another planet.