SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA– Great news gamers. If you own the previous two Red Head Redemption games then you’ll be pleased to know that the much-anticipated release of Red Head Redemption 3 is close.
The game is being released on March 20, just in time for this year’s Spring Equinox. It will be playable on Xbox One and PS4, and possibly for the original Atari, but this hasn’t been confirmed.
Red Head is a revenge-themed action adventure game that follows the red-headed geek protagonist, whose real name is Milton Poindexter, as he seeks revenge on all the jocks and cool people who picked on him his entire miserable life.

Players can use Milton to freely roam the high-school, college, and other areas frequented by the ginger character.
Every customer who pre-orders RHR 3 will receive in-game content, such as Super-Power Nerd Glasses with enhanced vision that can see jocks and muscle-heads through gym locker walls, and also The Geek Survival Kit, which contains a collection of key supplies that helps geeks increase IQ after speaking to any neanderthal bullies.
RHR 3 is rated N for nerdy. Because of the nerdy theme, you should expect some bullying, wedgies, and spitballs.