Tag: Reptile

Royal Family Announces King Charles Will Return As Soon As He Regenerates New Human Skin Covering

LONDON, ENGLAND-- Yet another mystery has surrounded the Royal Family as head…

Daily Soak Staff

Lizard Person Liz Cheney Removes Human Skin To Appeal To Reptile Demographic

WASHINGTON-- In a last ditch effort to help her struggling campaign to…

Daily Soak Staff

Reptilian Bill Gates Dissolves News Reporter With His Toxic Venom

https://youtu.be/Nb5zuOjZbYA (SATIRE) Shapeshifting lizard person Bill Gates had an on air faux…

Daily Soak Staff

Lizard Person Bill Gates Accidentally Squirts Venom Into Reporter’s Eyes During Intense Interview

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK-- Microsoft co-founder and vaccine candy man Bill…

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