Puerto Rico Officials Use Jedi Mind Trick To Distract From Unused Disaster Supplies
SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO-- Officials in Puerto Rico have come together to…
Jabba The Hutt Sheds 2000 Pounds After Getting Fat-Shamed On Instagram
TATOOINE-- The galaxy's most powerful gangster Jabba the Hutt has gained a…
Obama Spotted At Cincinnati Trump Rally Wearing MAGA Hat
CINCINNATI, OHIO-- Is former president Barack Obama secretly a President Donald Trump…
Inked Woman Has Internal Organs Tattooed After Running Out Of Skin
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-- Tattoos have become very popular these days and according…
13 Famous Movie Quotes Before They Were Drastically Changed
HOLLYWOOD-- Movie quotes have become part of our everyday language, with most…
Hollywood Police Blotter With Mugshots: Theft, Murder, And Terrorism
Police blotter information was taken from area police department reports and releases.…
Next Star Wars Movie To Feature First Transgender R2D2 Droid
HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA-- Star Wars fans around the world are rejoicing at the…
Unbelievable: This MILF Group Is Stunning
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA-- A new groundbreaking animal act that's been touring the world…