What is Satire?

  • Satire is a technique used by writers to expose foolishness and corruption of individuals in a humorous way in an effort to improve humanity.

Definition of Satire

Satire – nounΒ  satΒ·ire \ˈsa-ˌtΔ«(-Ι™)r\

  • The use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
  • A literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
  • AΒ literary genre comprising such compositions.

Examples of Satire

  • Satire is a form of comedy in which irony, humor and exaggeration are used as a way of mocking or ridiculing a certain idea, belief, or concept. It is very commonly used to mock politicians and their views, as seen on this site and many others.
  • The idea of writing satire is to be able to mock a person, place, belief, etc. in a humorous way in the hope that it might have an impact and cause change.
  • An example of Satire would be the way satirical sites use it to discuss current events in a humorous way with the intent on delivering a more serious message.

Anyone offended by Satire or any of its derivatives should leave this site immediately to prevent viewing this type of material.


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