How To Whitelist Daily Soak


Follow the instructions for your adblocker below to whitelist DAILY SOAK. If you don’t see the application you’re using, then please refer to your adblocker’s website on how to whitelist DAILY SOAK.


1. Click on the AdBlock application icon in the top right corner of your browser or just to the left of the site’s URL.

2. Within the dropdown menu, click on “Don’t run on pages on this site” or “Don’t run on pages on this domain.”

3. When the pop-up appears, click “Exclude.”

4. The page will reload, and you’re all set!


Adblock Plus

1. Click on the AdBlock Plus application icon in the top right corner of your browser or just to the left of the site’s URL.

2. When the pop-up appears, click on “Enabled on this site.

3. It will switch to say “Disabled on this site.”

4. Reload the page, and you’re all set!


1. Click on the Disconnect application icon in the top right corner of your browser or just to the left of the site’s URL.

2. Within the dropdown menu, about halfway down the pop-up after the “Content” list item, you will see “Whitelist site.”

3. Click on those words — “Whitelist site.”

4. Reload the page, and you’re all set!


uBlock Origin/uBlock

1. Click on the uBlock Origin/uBlock application icon in the top right corner of your browser or just to the left of the site’s URL.

2. When the pop-up appears, click on the large blue power icon at the top of the pop-up.

3. When it turns gray, click the refresh icon that has appeared.

4. It will reload the page, and you’re all set!


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